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Church History



In early 1986, God was at work in the hearts of Brother and Sister Nash. At the time, they were members of Northside Church of God in Milwaukee, founded by Brother Nash’s parents, Brother and Sister Flowers Nash Senior. However, God granted them a vision which would ultimately change the course of their lives and our community. Using Jesus’ Great Com mission, Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world, (Matthew 28:19 — 20), the Nash’s forged ahead — planting the seeds for what would later become Silver Spring Church of God.


Initially their vision involved starting a Bible Study in their home in Mequon, Wisconsin. They sought guidance from their pastor, Reverend Doctor Sandy Johnson. He outlined an area of study to serve as their starting point. For the next two years they conducted powerful study sessions, leading many to become saved, but wanting more.


In 1987, the Nash’s felt led to give their Bible Study group what their hearts were searching for — a church. Brother and Sister Nash informed Pastor Johnson of their decision to follow the unction of the Holy Spirit and expand their vision. The only question that remained was, who would lead their new group. Never leaving any stones unturned, God gave them their answer by calling Brother Flowers Nash Junior to the ministry. Initially, Brother Nash was not eager to accept the call, but a near death experience changed his mind. Later that year the Nash’s moved their new church to the Northwest YMCA located in Brown Deer.


In 1989 they moved their church to the Logemann Community Center in Mequon. They had five members at the time: Pastor Flowers and Sister Betty Nash, their two sons Derrick and Derryl, and Alice Fletcher, their next door neighbor. While meeting at the Logemann Center, Sister Nash worked tirelessly so they could become incorporated as Mequon Church of God in March of that year. The church flourished as they kept following the path the Lord set before them.


It was not long before the Logemann Center was no longer able to meet their needs. This time, however, they decided to build a facility. In October of 1992 the church purchased two and a half acres of land in Mequon. Unfortunately, they were not given the green light to build. Instead, they were met with nearly two years of opposition from city officials. While the Mequon Planning Commission ultimately did present an offer, it was unreasonable and unacceptable. However, where man placed a roadblock, God built a bridge. That bridge led the new congregation to an existing facility on the corner of Silver Spring Drive and 74th Street in Milwaukee. This building far exceeded their expectations. God allowed that small band of Christians to purchase the building in March of 1996. Shortly thereafter, they changed their name to Silver Spring Church of God — an edifice which still serves as a pillar in the community today.


In November of 2009, tragedy stuck the small congregation when the Lord called their Pastor and Founder, Reverend Flowers Nash home. Once again, the Saints found themselves seeking the direction of the Lord to see who would take up the mantle and lead this young congregation. After much prayer, the members unanimously decided to ask Founding Member, Minister Derrick Nash to step in and continue the work his parents started. Like his father before him, Minister Derrick Nash knew the challenge was too great a task to rest on his shoulders. However, he took solace in knowing, God doesn’t call the equipped, but He equips the called, and graciously accepted.


Pastor Derrick was armed with the vision for the congregation that the Lord gave him, but the available members to help realize the goal was dreadfully low.  Where there is no vision, the people perish (Proverbs 29:18a). Still they persisted. Under Pastor Derrick’s leadership the church installed a 10 computer, computer lab, church café, church bookstore, raised enough money to replace the roof, sold the two and a half acres of land they acquired in Mequon and paid off the church.

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