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Now also when I am old and greyheaded, O God, forsake me not; until I have shewed thy strength unto this generation, and thy power to every one that is to come.



Psalm 71:18


LaVerne made the decision to trust in Christ Jesus at the young age of thirteen, but developed a deeper relationship in her twenties. 

A graduate of Bryant & Stratton College, she has spent over 47 years in the Title Insurance business. During this time LaVerne has overseen the disbursement of funds on a myriad of new commercial construction projects throughout the state. Her direct involvement has benefited many local churches and religious organizations. When asked what she could bring to the company, her response was simply, "Integrity."

LaVerne's dedication to serving her Lord and Savior, can be clearly seen in the areas of ministry she has committed herself to over the years. Her ministry experience includes: usher, choir, Sunday school teacher and superintendent. In 1996 she was ordained as a deaconess. Demonstrating a true servant's heart, she feels blessed to serve God in any capacity. Always thankful for the opportunity to share the Gospel message with those she comes in contact with, LaVerne expresses her gratefulness for the unconditional love God continually shows in one of her favorite sayins, "To God be the glory."

LaVerne has enjoyed over 45 years of marriage to Rev. Roy Young, who also serves faithfully in ministry at SSCOG. God blessed their union with two sons, a daughter-in-law and three beautiful grandchildren.

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