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Sunday Mornings:  10:45 am

Everyone is welcomed at SSCOG. It is our sincere desire that everyone who walks through the door comes into a saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and experience mightily the power of His eternal love and grace. A believer can increasingly grow into an exciting personal relationship with Jesus as he or she becomes rooted and grounded in God's Holy Word.



Street level parking is available in the service drive on Silver Spring Dr., in front of the the church on 74th Street and behind the church along Sheridan Ave. Please arrive 15-20 minutes prior to the start of service (10:45 am) because spaces close to the church fill up quickly.

All levels of the church are wheelchair accessible. If you have additional needs, please let one of the ushers know how we can assist.

The glass doors on 74th Street and on Silver Spring Dr. lead to the narthex. Once you enter, you'll find friendly ushers to assist you with directions to the sanctuary and restrooms.

An usher will give you a program and help you find a seat. Praise and worship, biblical teaching and stewardship are key elements of our worship service each week. You will experience inspirational praise and worship with a mix of contemporary and traditional hymns. Our Senior Pastor, Rev. Derrick Nash, delivers an inspirational and thought provoking look at God's Word that you can easily apply to your life. Service is approximately one hour and 45 minutes in length.

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